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Our wonderful school was established in 1958 by founding Principal, Mr E.P. Blampied. Rangitikei College was created to consolidate the various high schools in the Rangitikei District. Over the years, there has been many changes with the buildings with many having been refurbished and demolished depending on the needs.

Since the inception of the school, there have been 8 Principals who have guided the school. 

School Crest

Ever wondered “where does the school crest come from and what does it represent?” We need to roll back the clock to 1958… In that year, parents and pupils had been invited to submit designs for a crest, and the staff and pupils, by an overwhelming majority, voted to adopt the one submitted by Gary Holford of Form 6U.

From the 1958 school magazine, the crest was described as follows: 

This design, which was inspired by a United Nations stamp issued in 1955, depicts a flying symbol moving upwards through the stars. The setting of stars is appropriately that of the Southern Cross. The flying object is dove winged for peace. The official description of the crest is “a winged vessel in bend sinistre traversing the constellation of the Southern Cross.”

The shield is red and the moving symbol and stars are silver.

Encircling the base of the shield is a silver scroll containing in green lettering the College motto which was selected by the Principal: Ad Altiora meaning literally “towards higher things.”

Gary Holford added his own comments:

“The design of the crest, which peculiarly appropriate to the age in which we live, following man’s determined efforts duing the past year to reach beyond the planets, is at the same time symbolic of the urgent need to reach ever greater heights of achievement in all spheres of human endeavor and particularly in moral issues.”

In 1961, the school crest was cast in bronze (the pattern was made by Mr Shearman and this was mounted above the Hall stage, where it remains today). 

School Waiata

E te Ariki
Tena arohatia mai
Ki o tamariki
Me waiata atu ra
Ki a koe i te rangi
Aue e ihowa
Whakarongo mai   

Listen to us
We are the future of tomorrow
As we lift our voices to the heavens in song
We ask that guidance be given to us
To help guide us along

School Haka

Torona kei waho tītaha tītaha
Uia mai koia whakahuatia ake ko wai te kura nei e
Ko Rangitikei ko Rangitikei
Ko wai te tangata kei runga
Ko Apahapai ko Apahapai hi

Whakakau Rangitikei hi
Whakakau Rangitikei hi

Whakakau he taniwha
Tutaeporoporo no Rangitikei hi    

Ask and you will be told!!
What is the name of this School?
It is Rangitikei.  It is Rangitikei!
Who is the Ancestor?
It is Apahapai!  It is Apahapai!

Rangitikei emerges!
Rangitikei emerges!

A deep-water serpent is wading ashore.
Hey! Tutaeporoporo lands at Rangitikei hi!!

The Ngati Apa story of the land

P robably the most famous taniwha that we have within our iwi history is the misunderstood Tutaeporoporo. There are many versions of the story about this taniwha, ranging from the mysterious to the sublime and from iwi to iwi, depending on from whence the storyteller comes.

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