Inquiry-Quest Explained

Our Innovative I-Q (Inquiry Quest) project-based learning programme is designed to equip you with the 21st-century skills you'll need to navigate the real world:

I-Q explained: Inquiry-Quest are our way of setting you up to take your place in the world. They focus on developing and extending your 'soft skills'.

What are soft skills? They’re a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make you a good employee - someone who is easy to work with. Soft skills complement hard skills (a person's knowledge and occupational skills).Our I-Q day projects:

  • run every Friday for 2 hours, during terms 1-3 
  • involve you working on self-chosen areas of interest or passion
  • must have real value and fit clear criteria that we set for you
  • may be undertaken individually or in groups
  • can involve NCEA assessment

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