
Attendance affects achievement, so make sure that your child is at school every day so they SUCCEED! We urge you to support your child to attend school and report any justified absences to us:

Reporting an Absence

Please contact the school as soon as possible on one of the following:

If the absence is going to be three days or more, please provide a medical certificate.

Unexplained Absences

If your child has not arrived to school, and we have not been informed, you should expect a text message from the school informing you of the absences. 

The school also uses the services of Angela Coleman, Absences Services, who can offer support and guidance in helping students to attend school regularly.

Research shows us that regular school attendance means your child will have a better chance in life. Your child will achieve better when they go to school all day, and arrive on time, every school day.

Generally speaking, once attendance drops below 90% ( i.e. one day away a fortnight, whether ‘justified’ or ‘unjustified’) there is a clear link to falling grades and engagement with school. We urge all our families to do all you can to ensure your child attends school every day.

Every Day Counts

Going to school every day is the single most important part of a child’s education.  Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.

Did you know?

  • Patterns of late arrival at school or missing classes are early warning signs
  • Missing one day of school each week adds up to 2 months missed over a year; four days a term adds up to a month
  • Each day absent has an impact on skill development and social connections
  • The more students miss school, the lower their achievement, the lower their achievement the less likely they want to stay in school, the less they want to stay in school the more likely they will drop out too soon.

Why is it important to attend every? 

  • Learning is a progressive activity; each day’s lessons build upon those of previous days
  • Reading the material and completing work independently does not compensate for the loss of understanding gained during class discussion and interactions
  • Many classes use demonstrations, experiments, discussions, collaboration and group work as part of the daily learning activities and these cannot be made up by those who are absent
  • Students who develop an ‘on the job’ attitude toward school will develop good habits, and be more likely to transition successfully to tertiary study and the workforce

Why won’t my child go to school?

Students do not attend school for many reasons.  Some of these are related to the school itself; others may be more personal, or family related. 

School factors might include:

  • bullying
  • disliking, or not feeling connected to, the school culture or special character
  • disliking school subjects, not liking the choice of subjects, not feeling challenged by the work, or finding the work too hard
  • not getting along with teachers or other students at school
  • competing demands on time, such as extracurricular activities or jobs out of school

Personal factors might include:

  • chronic illness
  • behavioural or developmental difficulties
  • mental health issues such as depression or anxiety
  • poor self-concept or self-esteem
  • poor social skills
  • difficulty with listening, concentrating, or sitting still.

Family factors might include:

  • parents who aren’t involved in their child’s education
  • a home environment that doesn’t or can’t adequately support a young person’s learning
  • family problems such as relationship breakdowns
  • competing family or social responsibilities, such as caring for family members, or working outside school hours

Whatever the reason, please let us know so we can offer the appropriate support and work together with you to find a solution.  Every day counts.


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